Money Management

The 11 Worst Wedding Gifts: What Not to Give Newlyweds


Wedding gifts are a tradition that allows guests to celebrate the newlyweds’ love and provide them with items that will help them start their life together. However, not all gifts are created equal, and some well-intentioned gestures can miss the mark entirely. In this article, we’ll explore the 11 worst wedding gifts for newlyweds, helping you avoid these common pitfalls and choose a thoughtful, appreciated gift for the happy couple.

Re-Gifted Items

Re-gifting is a well-known practice, but it’s not the best approach for wedding gifts. Newlyweds deserve a thoughtful, unique gift that reflects your care and consideration for their special day.

Cash in Small Amounts

While cash is a popular and practical gift, small amounts can come across as stingy. Giving a meager contribution may not cover even a fraction of the wedding expenses or honeymoon costs. If you prefer to give cash, consider a more generous amount that can make a meaningful impact.

Offensive or Inappropriate Items

Gifts that are offensive, explicit, or inappropriate should be avoided at all costs. Wedding celebrations are meant to be joyful and respectful occasions. Offensive gifts can ruin the festive atmosphere and strain the couple’s relationship with the gift-giver.

Cheap Home Decor

Low-quality or cheap home decor items may not match the couple’s taste or home decor style. While it’s the thought that counts, consider opting for higher-quality or more personalized decor items that have more potential for use.

Oversized Appliances

Gifting a large appliance, like a refrigerator or washing machine, may sound generous, but it can be a burden for the couple to store and transport. These items are typically selected by the couple themselves due to personal preferences and available space.

Incomplete Sets

Receiving an incomplete set of dishes, glasses, or flatware can be frustrating for newlyweds. They often prefer complete sets that match their kitchen or dining room decor. If you’re considering these items, ensure that they come in full sets or provide a gift receipt for easy exchanges.

Excessively Personal Items

While a wedding is a personal celebration, highly personal items like lingerie or intimate bedroom accessories should be avoided. These items can create an awkward and uncomfortable situation for the newlyweds.

Overly Specific Items

Gifting very specific items that cater to niche interests or hobbies should be done with caution. Not all newlyweds will share the same passions, and niche gifts might not align with their preferences.

Bland Gift Cards

While gift cards can be a practical choice, opt for personalized or specific gift cards that the couple can enjoy together. Generic or bland gift cards can come across as thoughtless.

Artwork Without Knowing Their Taste

Artwork is a thoughtful gift, but it can be risky if you don’t know the couple’s artistic preferences. Instead, consider providing a gift certificate to a local art store or a gallery, allowing them to choose a piece they love.

No-Name or Generic Items

Choosing no-name or generic brands for gifts, especially for kitchen appliances or cookware, may result in items that don’t meet the quality or durability standards the couple desires. Recognizable, trusted brands are often preferred for these types of items.

Choosing the Right Wedding Gift

To select the perfect wedding gift, consider these thoughtful ideas:

Personalized Items: Customized gifts, such as monogrammed towels or personalized photo frames, show your thoughtfulness and attention to detail.

Experiences: Offer the newlyweds a memorable experience, such as a romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant, tickets to a show, or a weekend getaway.

Cash or Gift Cards: If you’re unsure of their preferences, cash or gift cards to their favorite stores or restaurants provide flexibility.

Registry Gifts: Select items from the couple’s wedding registry to ensure you’re giving them something they truly want and need.

Handmade Gifts: Handcrafted items or DIY creations add a personal touch and show your effort and care.


Choosing the right wedding gift can be a meaningful way to celebrate a couple’s special day. Avoid the 11 worst wedding gifts discussed in this article to ensure your gesture is appreciated and adds to the joy of the occasion. Thoughtful, well-chosen gifts reflect your love and best wishes for the newlyweds as they begin their journey together.